Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Direction

For those of you who do not know what has been going on with the Georgia Scheels I would like to fill you in. Over a year ago, David lost his job of 10 years. After going on numerous interviews, David was told either "you are not the right fit," or "you are over qualified." After much searching, questioning and prayer we felt something bigger was happening. As many events started to take shape, we have been able to launch a clothing closet through our church, New Community in Hoschton, GA. We have been up and running for about 1 month. David has been able to fit approximately 10-12 families with clothing to meet immediate needs and at no charge to them. We have received generous donations from our church and community of clothing items, hangers, and hardward supplies to create racks.

As an extension of By His Hands Ministries, we feel very led to open a full service food bank that serves Northeast Georgia in Jackson County. David has a passion for food whether he is cooking or making sure it is organized for an event. We are now beginning the process of applying for nonprofit status for By His Hands Ministries. The cost for this is approximately $1000.00. We are asking for our friends, family and even those who know us indirectly to give whatever is on your heart to our new journey. We also ask for prayers of wisdom and guidance so we can follow God's will. You can donate at http://www.byhishands.chipin.com

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